Angloromani Dictionary Help

Searching the dictionary

An input field is located at the top of most columns allowing you to filter the relevant column based on your input. Click the filter button (or press Enter) to submit your search term(s).

Whenever more than one field displays text input, the dictionary is filtered for all the terms. To start a new search, you must delete any previous entry you no longer want to search for.

The filtering takes regular expressions for search terms. If you are looking for an exact match, enclose the search term in ^ (start of string) and $ (end of string): for example, to find house but not e.g. houses or mad-house, use ^house$.

Usage examples

When a word form in the ‘Angloromani word forms’ column is clickable (blue and underlined), it means usage examples are available for it. Clicking on the link displays the usage examples associated with the expression, whether from the Corpus or from Published Sources (or both).

Published sources reference

Clicking on a published source reference displays the full reference for the source.